Ceto Peridis

Multipath Coterie
Daughter of Cacophony


Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple brown
Clothing: White archaic
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: A fabulously beautiful woman of Mediterranean descent, often garbed as if she just left the set of the Clash of the Titans though she wears the fashion naturally and very well
Supernatural Qualities: Without a Mask of a Thousand Faces, her beauty is more than stunning but outright terrifying, with eyes that bore through the soul and an intangible sense of gravitas that draws all nearby inexorably like a black hole, yet always her pale flesh seems to shimmer as if illusory or transitory; of course, all from her bloodline know exactly who she is
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 8 (divine); Style 4 (classic); Clan Prestige 5

"As history should be didactic, so must music be panegyric."


Date of Birth: December 5th, 1140 BC
Home: Ioannina, Epirus, Greece
Family: Polyas and Nesaea (parents), Kyra (older sister)
Embrace: External Supernatural Trigger (in ancient, early Bronze Age Greece, she was a pretty peasant girl in central Greece who possessed a reverent and noted singing voice at sacred rituals, so she was given to the sibyl of nearby Dodonna to become an oracle herself, when she was actually Embraced into an oracle cult of vampires), 1122 BC
Sire: Aglaope
The Test: Trial by Influence (the temple had long been a front for the ancient bloodline, the Daughters of Cacophony, who largely served an oracular role in classic Kindred society; her powerful and ancient sire promised her a role of prominent as seer and prognosticator, guiding the future of the whole world; the blood only emphasized her innate singing talents, which was deepened by the ethylene-infused state of vitae from mortal sibyl that she predominantly consumed—indeed, the bulk of Ceto's long existence became synonymous with powerful visions witnessed while in a sedentary perpetual fugue state: enumerated here are the most important oracular observations she had over the ages, conveyed through soul-shattering song to those who dared to listen)
Comrades: Elizabeth Winters, Ishtar Zirrat, Lot Talmai, Velinka Vlaicu
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (Ceto still learned how to hunt for herself, even in this quasi-permanent dream state; early on, she grew skilled at changing her body into the myths and dreams of mortal men, descending upon them as monsters and vanishing back into fantasy)
Key Event #2: Awe & Wonder (vision: a mass die-off of mighty elephants; the fall of kings and the end of the age of the "strong man" rulers, even those controlled by the Kindred)
Key Event #3: Awe & Wonder (vision: monumental buildings assembling themselves; the "balkanization" of the clans in their myriad Hellenistic polises)
Key Event #4: Awe & Wonder (vision: the sun setting over Mt. Olympus; the "final" interventions of literal gods and monsters in everyday mortal society; that was to say, the passing of the Bygones)
Key Event #5: Awe & Wonder (vision: rise of an Asian lion; the Persian Wars)
Key Event #6: Awe & Wonder (vision: an endless field of warhorse-mounted faceless cavalry; the triumphs of Alexander the Great and Hellenization of the world)
Key Event #7: Awe & Wonder (vision: busts of Caesars; the rise of Rome as the preeminent Western power)
Key Event #8: Awe & Wonder (vision: fields of crosses for execution; not a vision of Jesus specifically but only the tyrannous domination of Rome)
Key Event #9: Awe & Wonder (vision: marching banners bearing the cross; rise of Christian hegemony out of Rome)
Key Event #10: Personal Tragedy (she and her fellow oracles foresaw the destruction of their temple when Caesar ordered an end to all pagan holy sites; they moved into the Pindus Mountains for sanctuary, ending the oracle cult save for only a few ghouled stewards; this also marked the end of the Sirens offering counsel to other Kindred, who sought only to rein the Christian empire and benefit from its hegemony, not stop it from crushing the old ways; the clan began to record their visions for posterity, save for the very rare consultation from a brave Cainite who sought them out)
Key Event #11: Awe & Wonder (vision: burning city; final sack of Rome)
Key Event #12: Awe & Wonder (vision: a falcon's wings overshadowing the world; the birth and militant rise of Islam)
Key Event #13: Personal Tragedy (invaders into Greece, even daring their mountain haven, ventured boldly from all over, so she and the remaining Sirens entered the earth with Protean to hide and wait out the tumult, entering only at best an even more dream-like state of torpor)
Key Event #14: Awe & Wonder (vision: burning arrows darkening the sky; Mongol invasions)
Key Event #15: Awe & Wonder (vision: a great river flooding and drowning a city; the fall of Constantinople)
Key Event #16: Awe & Wonder (vision: everything seemed gold-plated; the Ottoman Conquest)
Key Event #17: War (she and her sisters awoke fully only once in this era, during the Anarch Revolt when a team of Assamites came to claim their elder blood; the Sirens obliterated the killers, minds and bodies alike, and neither Assamites or Sabbat ever bothered them again; Ceto's dreams thereafter did become vaguer, if still accurate)
Key Event #18: Awe & Wonder (vision: a volley of musket fire; Greek Independence/19th-century colonial wars)
Key Event #19: Awe & Wonder (vision: modern weapons, peaking with the detonation of the atom bomb; 20th-century world wars)
Key Event #20: Awe & Wonder (vision: the grim death-masque of Caine himself; Gehenna and the Endtimes)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (per her final vision, the Sirens finally left Greece, scattering to the four winds to warn those they intuited needed to know; she felt drawn to northern California on the other side of the world)

Significant Others

Names: Elizabeth Winters, Ishtar Zirrat, 2012
Nature: Companionship



Sibyl's Whispers

Ceto has existed as a bound oracle for so long that she barely knows how to function in today's world. Plus, she is very much addicted to "the oracle's blood" (ethylene-laced).

Likelihood of Corruption


She has kept her humanity for three thousand years because she has been largely isolated from it. While that period of isolation has ended, Ceto has seen Armageddon. Corruption of the soul is the least of her worries these nights.


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