Emery Nagel

Commission of the Recondite

Prince of Liberty, Missouri, United States


Height: 5'6"
Weight: 122 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long elaborate brown
Clothing: White and gold promenade formal
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: A handsome and seemingly healthy young woman of substance and self-assured dignity
Supernatural Qualities: Known in the area as the "Caitiff Prince", more a term of respect than pejorative
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 4 (honest face); Style 2; Elder Status 2

"I'm sorry, Solomon. Liberty simply cannot absorb another Jyhad right now."


Date of Birth: June 3rd, 1835
Home: Lawrence, Kansas, United States
Family: Lugo and Prudence Nagel (parents), Sarah (younger sister), William (younger brother), Alfred (younger brother)
Embrace: External Supernatural Trigger (family of settlers who worked a farm in Kansas just outside Lawrence; as Abolition became more and more a thing, the family came down hard on the side of the Free-Staters, and the farm even served as a waypoint for the Underground Railroad, with her father and brothers eventually fighting the Bushwhackers and Ruffians as Jayhawkers; she did not participate in the fighting but did help slaves and refugees, proving herself compassionate and just early on; a Ventrue and Toreador pair of Kindred attacked the family punitively, for they were pro-slavers and saw all Free-Staters as Sabbat pawns from up north; her family was murdered one by one and she forcibly Embraced by both), 1859
Sire: Unknown
The Test: Trial by Wit (her sires dragged her off to Topeka, taught her the Traditions, but she realized that they intended to sling her at Sabbat as mere cannon fodder in this Jyhad, so she escaped as soon as she could and fled east)
Comrades: Lucretia Priore Giovanni, Sariah Smits, Melinda Stuver, Solomon Winfield
Key Event #1: War (for over 70 years, she counted herself among the Anarchs, promoting an ideology of liberty from tyranny of all sorts, and so she fought with the Brujah and other Anarchs against the extremism of both Camarilla and Sabbat sects in the Midwest, centered around Independence, Missouri; these clashes were typically low-grade guerilla hits against Camarilla enforcers and Sabbat thugs, similar to the Bleeding Kansas strife)
Key Event #2: War (but the Camarilla eventually calmed down and took a more peaceful approach, and Emery found herself willing to help them against the Sabbat aggressions still pummeling the Midwest throughout the 1930s and 40s; she urged other Anarchs to side with the region's Princes against these threats in order to better negotiate for their own freedom)
Key Event #3: Awe & Wonder (by the end of this era, the Sabbat had been wholly stopped in the Midwest and the Jyhad simmered down; Emery was credited with marshaling the shock troops of these low-grade conflicts, her fellow Anarchs, and they were given the unclaimed cities of Independence and Liberty as an Anarch free-state)
Key Event #4: Awe & Wonder (the Camarilla offered to make Emery Prince of Liberty in 1975, but she refused to take such a role until her fellow Anarchs insisted--so long as she didn't act like a power-tripping elder, they'd support her; true to word, Emery maintained a low profile as city leader, as "Prince", remaining modest and subordinate to the will of the Anarch Council, such as it was--really, the leaders of the various gangs, who were essentially like her Primogen council)
Transition: Victory (for the past 37 years, she maintained a quiet and resolute peace in Liberty, with the Anarchs content to do as they please so long as the Masquerade stayed honored, no other Traditions really observed and the Sabbat kept at bay; she built herself up as a reputable leader, honest and forthright, earning the friendship of other elder Kindred through salons and necessary intrigues)

Significant Other

Name: Lucretia Priore Giovanni, 2000
Nature: Companionship


Not Quite One of Us

As time has passed, the whelps of the Anarchs in Liberty and Independence more and more see Emery as a mere tool of the Camarilla. Conversely, most Camarilla elders have little respect for a Caitiff no matter how accomplished.

Likelihood of Corruption


Emery always keeps her moral center dear, including--perhaps especially--her penchant for straight talk honesty.


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