Bunny Mehr

Red Rivers Pack


Height: 5'6"
Weight: 121 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long simple blonde
Clothing: Black clubwear
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: Always a sly, sexy smile, though comes off as a complete ditz
Supernatural Qualities: An almost savage hunger lurks in those bright-blue eyes
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 4 (slinky); Airhead

"Hey, stop it, you dog. Heehee..."


Date of Birth: October 28th, 1982
Home: Hempstead, Long Island, New York, United States
Family: Randall and Josey Mehr (parents), Paulina (older sister), Neddy (younger brother); Mary-Anne (birth name)
The Embrace: External Supernatural Trigger (She enjoyed a middle class life, went to City College and majored in art, but turned into a complete sorority girl party animal; one party became prey for a Sabbat feast, but she was one of the lucky few who got Embraced instead), 2005
Sire: Willy East
The Test: Trial by Games (She was given the Burial Rites and barely managed to claw her way out, frenzied and desperate but alive; later, she was hurled at a Anarch gang with other recruits; she survived by hiding behind her illusions)
Comrades: Abidan Temple, Ariana Tressilian, Marvin Epps, Wallace Mister, Tina Estel, Bernard Washbrook, Willy East
Key Event #1: Treachery (Unlife became nothing but a big party to Bunny as she now called herself; she didn't give a whit about Ravnos "purity" anymore than her gorgios sire did; some doubted her usefulness to the sect, but she kept her packmates entertained while providing pretty clever uses of her Chimerstry)
Transition: Victory (her Red Rivers pack established itself as a support pack, enabling her to avoid front line-fighting and focusing on paaaaaaaaaartying!)

Significant Others

Names: Ariana Tressilian, Tina Estel, 2005; Bernard Washbrook, 2010
Nature: Erotic





Bunny is unabashedly a party girl, a Ravnos slut. She doesn't even give a shit. Not with a templar like Bernard enjoying her company.

Likelihood of Corruption

Very high.

Well, she wouldn't go diabolist or anything.


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