Brandy Carver

Malkavian antitribu
Rais'lim of the Black Hand


Height: 5'7"
Weight: 117 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Long simple brown
Clothing: Black casual
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: She often flashes an irresistible, irrepressible, and incorrigible smile
Supernatural Qualities: "Flakes out": one moment she's chatting your head off about how great the Dark Father is, the next moment she's vanished with a grin, frequently mid-sentence: she may very well be the inspiration for the Cheshire Cat
Accoutrements: Light jewelry, sometimes heavy costume-party make-up
Traits: Appearance 4 (comely); Sanctity

"You're just jealous because Father loves me best."


Date of Birth: October 5th, 926
Home: Winchester, England, United Kingdom
Family: Eadbert and Agnes (parents), Albold (older brother), Winifred (older sister)
The Embrace: External Supernatural Trigger (Her family were butchers, but she suffered severe emotional disturbances, and after being labeled "the town crazy", was given over to the care of the sisters at Nunnaminster; she was selected for the Embrace by the ancient curetian vampire Aeron, because even as a mortal, her supernatural sensitivity was detected by Clan Malkav), 948
Sire: Aeron
The Test: Trial by Influence (Brandy's Becoming consisted of her joining her sire's wandering coterie of prognosticating madmen, most of whom were just crazed bullshit artists, and they weren't welcome anywhere in England or continental Europe)
Comrades: Jack Doyle, Ray Merripen
Key Event #1: Personal Tragedy (an attack by Lupines slaughtered most of Aeron's brood and Aeron herself; Brandy avoided death by kowtowing and begging mercy, which the magnanimous barbarian-heroes granted; she proceeded to diablerize her sire less out of a sense of viciousness and more of misplaced adoration; the terrible deed sent shocks through her consciousness and shaped her being -- and Curse -- as she saw herself as Caine falling upon Abel, and decided she belonged with him)
Key Event #2: Awe & Wonder (Brandy then submitted herself to the Baroness of Gloucester, Seren, and joined her court, serving diligently for the next 250 years through the return of Mithras, familiarizing herself well with the nature of the Curse of Uriel: the Great Jyhad, intrigue, the clans, and general existence of the Kindred)
Key Event #3: Awe & Wonder (while faithfully serving as a sort of lady-in-wait to Seren, her diablerie vision never faded; a quiet brood of local Cappadocian scholars summoned her in the 14th-century, urging her to spread the word of the ultimate reaper of death: Caine; their motives for triggering the Malkavian long remained obscure, but despite her shrewd suspicions, Brandy eagerly began to pursue the request; perhaps her sire's soul helped influence it, for she began to prognosticate [and be largely ignored] across Europe as Aeron once did)
Key Event #4: Treachery (in 1410, she was kidnapped by agents of the True Black Hand and dragged into "hell", into the wraithly Underworld itself, all the way down to Enoch, whereupon she was released and cherished as "the Chosen of Cappadocius", the "Bringer of Death": whether they believed it or not, or simply played upon her delusions, mattered not -- Brandy was charmed)
Key Event #5: Awe & Wonder (she quickly adapted to the morose and gray existence in the ghost-city of Enoch, relishing the antiquity of it all, always seeking Caine himself around any given corner, while spending the next century studying and developing her vampiric powers and dark purpose, supposedly aligned now with the intentions of the Hand)
Key Event #6: Treachery (the murder and diablerization of Cappadocius sent ripples through her sensitive Malkavian mind and sprang her into action, but the Hand commended her into the role of an infiltrator, dispatching her into the midst of the Anarch Revolt's remnants -- the future Sabbat vampires)
Key Event #7: Treachery (Brujah and Lasombra mistrusted the mad British girl and demanded proof of her loyalty to the cause of rebellion, and so she crept back to Gloucester, assassinated Seren, and brought them her head; so sneaky was she, and so out of step with the Camarilla were the Baronies of Avalon, that the Justicars never even noticed; so they let her help them punish their enemies through the Convention of Thorns; she was also instrumental in establishing the [False] Black Hand within the Sabbat)
Key Event #8: Treachery (her age, reputation, and power helped her earn the rank of priscus within the sect, giving her the ability to move freely and owe little to any but the Consistory, which being established in Mexico did oblige her to abandon Eruope for America, and New York City would eventually become her most familiar haunt, advising the Archbishop about Camarilla movements outside the city in their hopes to relieve besieged Manhattan)
Key Event #9: Treachery (Brandy often became a triple agent, spying for the Sabbat through direct infiltration thanks to the fluid comings-and-goings of the Malkavian clan at whole, and became well-respected as a kind of Autarkis "oracle" for Princes -- giving them genuine information about Sabbat positions or plans, all the better to keep both sects zero-sum, and also -- more personally than anything else -- fed both Archbishops and Princes false information about Giovanni activity that would be in violation of the Promise of 1528)
Key Event #10: War (Giovanni action came to a head in New York, and she directly intervened, aiding the human mage Jack Doyle in his battles against the necromancer-gangsters, even taking the human as a lover on a whirlwind trip that confused her in the end, since she is supposed to be "promised" for Caine)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (her patience with her multiple deceptions grew thin as Gehenna approached, and she began to flake out on all three sects in her search for Caine himself, such that the Inconnu made tentative overtures [via dreams] to the Methuselah to secure her interest)

Significant Other

Name: Caine; 2013?
Nature: none...yet!

The Dark Father (as she imagines him!)

Significant Other

Name: Kemu Tepes; 2012
Nature: Companionship


Love Unrequited

Brandy is certain of her path. She's not insane, she's not crazy, she just accepts something far beyond what anyone would ever expect of someone like her: she's special, very special, and Caine knows it. He's waiting for her. Brandy loves him and he'll love her. Maybe he'll even love her more if she diablerizes her way down to 2nd Generation, so she can be as Zillah once was...

Likelihood of Corruption

Very low.

Technically, she's completely out of her gourd. But nothing on this planet can shake her from her certainty of those delusional, obsessive beliefs. The Almighty Himself couldn't do it without turning her mortal (taking away her Malkavian blood) or, worse, Caitiff.


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