Kemu Tepes

Old Clan Tzimisce
Anchorage of Fidelity


Height: 6'4"
Weight: 200 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Green
Hair: Medium simple brown
Clothing: Black and blue archaic
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: Tall and lean, with handsome, smooth-faced, and coldly aquiline features, what really makes him stand out are the outlandishly archaic attire, the traveling dress of an 18th-century nobleman, replete with a well-worn, very wide-brimmed hat that masks a strangely familiar face...
Supernatural Qualities: His skin is pale but given his heavy attire, he may just prefer to stay out of the sun; however, his reputation as a vampire hunter goes far past his infamous face
Accoutrements: Long kiliji sword in a scabbard strapped diagonally across his back in easy reach of an over-the-shoulder draw but largely hidden by the odd clothing; other hidden (and likely medieval) weapons
Traits: Appearance 3; Reputation 5

“You're nothing but visitors from the past, shades of a world of darkness! You and your kind should go back to where you belong: back to the void of oblivion!”


Date of Birth: November 1st, 1479
Home: Sîghii (Sibiu), Sibiu County, Transylvania, Romania
Family: Vlad Tepes and Illena Hagi (parents)
Embrace: External Supernatural Trigger (son of Vlad Tepes before his Embrace after a tryst with a peasant girl, Kemu was raised in poverty; when he came of age, he sought out his father not for wealth but answers; having been Embraced about a decade earlier, Dracula knew exactly what he was doing when he gleefully subdued, fed upon, and changed his own son), 1501
Sire: Vlad Tepes
The Test: Trial by Wit (he was imprisoned, to be tormented for the audacity of approaching "his noble better"; luckily, a Salubri paladin named Odael ben Samiel was investigating the rumors of Transylvania, infiltrated Bran Castle, and rescued the fledgling Tzimisce, helping him deal first and foremost with the Hunger)
Comrades: Lamont Wayland, Tirzah, Brandy Carver, Michaela Rowland
Key Event #1: War (Kemu escaped his enraged father and Transylvania altogether with Odael, who trained him as Salubri in the Warrior Caste fashion, withholding the Valeren discipline but teaching him all the combat and survival skills he would ever need; the training took many arduous years, during which Kemu revealed his true inner strength and fortitude as a patient and virtuous man)
Key Event #2: War (Odael finally took Kemu on his first hunt, a long game affair that pursued a cabal of Koldunic sorcerers using "undesirable" humans as grotesque alchemical experiments in Hungary; but by 1550, they were all dead and their monstrous pogrom put to an end)
Key Event #3: Personal Tragedy (an Archon of Clan Tremere, a childe of Etrius himself, who specialized in stalking Salubri survivors, zeroed in on Odael; in the resulting battle, Odael and Kemu both fought together to defeat the Archon, but both the Tremere and Odael were slain)
Key Event #4: War (from then on, Kemu began a long and fearsome solo career of hunting wicked vampires: that was, vampires like his father, who were selfish, greedy, savage, and cruel)
Key Event #5: Awe & Wonder (Kemu stalked the Old World all over, adapting to countless European and Eurasian cultures as he went, quiet and in solitude)
Key Event #6: War (then his own father sent minions to punish him again for daring to escape the castle years before and for taking up a quest that was pure betrayal of the blood, in Vlad's eyes; a game of cat-n-mouse went round-and-round for many years before Kemu lured them into an ambush and slew them all, ghouls and clanmates alike)
Key Event #7: War (he returned to Transylvania at last to confront his wayward sire; Kemu fought through and vanquished a small army of Dracula's "gypsies" and monsters; he faced the infamous count and beat him in single combat, but could not find the heart to strike his own father down; his mercy earned his father's respect, who swore to leave Kemu be thereafter)
Key Event #8: War (Kemu's reputation grew and his fame/infamy expanded, especially as he slew many vampires and spared just as many: he was known as an honorable and fair judge of character, even if one disagreed with his moral compass)
Key Event #9: Treachery (Kemu still landed on the Camarilla's Red List, no doubt by Clan Tremere's call for the death of their Archon long before; the Sabbat also targeted him with Wild Hunts, especially during the cover of the brutal 20th-century World Wars, when he on occasion slaughtered vile Sabbat torturers operating in Nazi concentration camps, where Kemu also liberated who he could)
Key Event #10: Awe & Wonder (a ghostly figure that seemed to be his father guided him to visit the ancient Siren Sibyl in Greece, where an ancient vampire oracle advised him about the nearness of the Endtimes)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (per those oracles' vision and advice, he traveled to the New World at last, to New York City in search of the Moon-Marked protect her from the coming trials and tribulations of Gehenna)

Special Gifts

Hunter's Edge
Appearance: A medieval two-handed scimitar, slender and deadly, and engraved with strange ancient symbols
Origin: Gift
Effects: Inflict terrible wounds on supernatural creatures
Activation: Wield it.

Significant Other

Name: Brandy Carver, 2012
Nature: Volatile


Very Most Wanted

A reputation is always a double-edged sword sharper than his kilij. Both major sects want him dead. He has few friends. The Inconnu seem friendly but they are far and few between, and besides, he doesn't trust them.

Likelihood of Corruption


Despite his clan, human lineage, and age, he maintains both honor and humanity, thanks to his own moral predilections, willpower, and paladin training.


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