Emily True

Clan Kiasyd
Lace Rath Pack


Height: 5'10"
Weight: 115 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Vibrant green
Hair: Long simple blonde
Clothing: White formal promenade
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: A comely creature, thin and fragile yet wondrous
Supernatural Qualities: Breathtaking beauty with an enthralling and nuanced tone of voice
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 6 (dreamy); Style 2; Clan Prestige 3, Elder Status 2; Enchanting Voice

"Hope and despair embody the reflections in a house of mirrors. Which is the real you? Can they not all be you, however distorted?"


Date of Birth: November 1st, 1641
Home: Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Family: Killian and Ríona Aiken (parents)
The Embrace: External Supernatural Trigger (born into a minor noble family, they were doted upon and spoiled as girls, but then the Scathach fae targeted them for the changeling's way, pulling the classic bait-and-switch and snatched the children from their home; none the wiser, the young girls began the Sidhe's training, and when ready to prove themselves and earn their Names, they were deployed into the undercity of Belfast to invade a Sluagh's home and coerce him into submission, but they never met; Bartholomew passed from the Old World to the New through the British Isles, and while lurking in Belfast for an overnight, encountered the two young Sidhe and ambushed them for food)
Sire: Bartholomew
The Test: Trial by Influence (while weakened, on a whim he decided to offer them the Embrace; wanting to keep their faerie souls, they agreed naively, unaware that it would at least partially Undo them anyway; both twins were wracked by terrible visions during the change, driving them both quite mad in different ways; before he could teach them much, they warned him that the Scathach would soon come to destroy them all, so he abandoned his new childer and fled; they also fled their homeland)
Comrades: Wendy True, Seth Carswell
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (the twins spent the first few decades of their cursed existence wandering Europe, avoiding other Kindred, wrestling with their new and twisted identities and purpose)
Key Event #2: Treachery (this free-wheeling life ended when they reached Stockholm, which the Sabbat had nominally taken control of, and they encountered a Malkavian antitribu provocateur named Jon J. Johnjonsonjen, who sympathized and appreciated their "conserving of old magic" but drew them officially before the sect, into which they reluctantly inducted through the proper ritae)
Key Event #3: Treachery (but the Vinculum never could shatter the bond the twins shared; when the Camarilla besieged Stockholm during the Counter-Reformation, they simply fled, staying out of the Jyhad and staying together always)
Key Event #4: War (unfortunately, their fey nature drew the ire of actual changelings, and a commoner motley made up of Boggans, Trolls, and Sluagh came after them; they evaded, refusing to confront their once-kin, but as a consequence they were driven from mainland Scandinavia entirely)
Key Event #5: Awe & Wonder (they retreated to Reykjavik instead, and they hid in ice caves just outside the city warmed by the geothermal properties of the land, and from that place they helped cultivate pagan revivals in the heavily Protestant nation of Iceland)
Key Event #6: Personal Tragedy (eventually, a Nosferatu discovered their lair, and after they refused to acknowledge the Camarilla Prince, they were driven from Iceland; they fled to Newfoundland, but began to travel again, now in the New World)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (their wandering together halted when they hit the West Coast, and they decided to settle there a while, accepting the role as pre-siege infiltrators for the Sabbat in the Camarilla city of San Francisc, alongside an older Kiaysd who could serve as guide and even mentor to the two distraught ladies

Significant Others

Names: Wendy True, 1660
Nature: Companionship

What Was

Emily is bent on transforming the banal real world into the faerie realm through key applications of her bloodline's accursed and unique powers, Mytherceria. Madness!

Likelihood of Corruption


Emily's already lost but she isn't wicked. Yet.


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