Bloody Melissa "Mel" Geiger

Blood Brothers
Geiger Crew Pack


Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long simple blonde
Clothing: Black clubwear
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: Beautiful woman of fierce pride and determined carriage
Supernatural Qualities: Waify-thin and a bit pale; well-known, as are all her packmates, within the clan and sect
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 4 (sexy); Clan Prestige 1

"I can hit a szlachta's eyes from 100 yards. All fifty eyes if I go full-auto."


Date of Birth: October 16th, 1965
Home: Marlinton, West Virginia, United States
Family: Miles and Harriet Mifflin (parents), Elena, Jane, Monica, Susanna (quintuplet sisters)
The Embrace: External Supernatural Trigger (she and her sisters traveled to New York City after growing bored with country bumpkin life, in the hopes that they might become models or have their own TV series; instead, they were hand-picked by Dr. Lotharson to receive the Blood Brother Embrace by Ambre Greese; the girls were lured to a false meet for modeling, and the doctor's whole pack fell upon the girls; Dr. Lotharson proceeded to tinker with their mortal shells, radically altering their bodies and faces--keeping them as identical quintuplets but very different-looking, the better to cast off their human life's ties and for his own amusement), 1989
Mentor: Ambre Greese
The Becoming: Trial by Games (all five sisters were subjected to the Burial Rites and showed early signs of how the bloodline's effects on their natural sisterhood was strengthened; they emerged at the same time, and demonstrated a frightening readiness to attack their Sabbat makers, and so Dr. Lotharson and Ambre reassured them that their lives would only be better from then on, and Ambre proved it by introducing them to the hedonism of the Path of Cathari)
Comrades: Elena Geiger, Jane Geiger, Monica Geiger, Susanna Geiger, Sigmund Lotharson, Ambre Greese
Key Event #1: War (barely through the Burial Rites and the initial instructions by their sire than were the sisters, now known as the Geiger girls, pitted against their Camarilla enemies; they were unleashed upon an art museum filled with Toreador harlots, many of whom they ripped apart with bloody delight, making a proverbial splash among the city's Kindred of all sects, and carving their names forever into the stones of Sabbat lore)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (while none of the Geigers held interest in their discarded mortal lives, they wished to reclaim their true selves, and sought a way to confront the notorious Dr. Lotharson without stepping on any of their sectmates' toes)

Significant Others

Names: Elena Geiger, Jane Geiger, Monica Geiger, Susanna Geiger, 1989
Nature: Companionship

Bloody Lena

Bloody Jane

Bloody Mona

Bloody Susie

Fifth Ring of Hell

The long nights ahead depend on the ability for Cainites to stay mobile and elusive, independent and well-hidden. The Geigers take the opposite tact: by cohering as one solid pack, they hope they can curl individual fingers into a powerful fist.

Imagine punching an Antediluvian in the face!

Likelihood of Corruption

Very high.

They're already sinful little psychopaths starring in their own reality TV horror story.


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