Kanika Tauaw

Follower of Set (Exiled)
Methuselah of the Inconnu
Black-Eyed Lilin of Alexandria
Temptress of the Mao'lung Fragments


Height: 5'6"
Weight: 122 lb.
Ethnicity: Middle Eastern
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple black
Clothing: Black ethnic
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: Utterly irresistable, like an exotic and mysterious princess right out of the movies
Supernatural Qualities: Healthy flush contrasts with soulless black eyes
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 6 (divine)

"Neither the whispers of Lucifer nor the dictates of Adam move me.

No one holds command over me. No man. No god. No prince. No father."



Date of Birth: April 10th, 368 BCE
Home: Memphis, Ptomelaic Egypt
Family: Mentu and Samia Tauaw (parents), Ranpu (older sister), Pekhrari (younger brother)
The Embrace: External Supernatural Trigger (was a priestess of Ptah, uncovered secret library and forbidden lore, Embraced by Setite secretly dwelling there)
Mentor: Nathifa-Kebi Asenath
The Test: Trial by Wit (had to deceive family and temple why her behavior had changed)
Comrades: Nathifa-Kebi Asenath, Hakor Totuan-i
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (even as she's reared in the Setite traditions, she had encountered lore of Lilith and researches secretly and earnestly)
Key Event #2: Treachery (sire confronted her about the "treachery in her heart" regarding the ways of Set, but she successfully defended it by noting that any treachery ultimately served the clan's interests)
Key Event #3: War (encountered as a Neonate a Child of Osiris redeemer named Sarpedon who would become her nemesis for millennia, as he began to seek to convert her from the corruption of Sutekh)
Key Event #4: Treachery (as she proved herself to the clan through faithful service to all their needs and troubles in Ptolemaic Memphis, the ancilla began her eternal and patient plan of deceit, of plots and intrigue, and lies within lies to her sire, to her own ghouls and minions, to her clan brother Hakor who Nathifa Embraced to be Kanika's "mate", and to Set himself)
Key Event #5: Treachery (only pretended to defeat shapeshifters in Egypt as clan commanded, as she believed them to be angels of Lilith and therefore divine, so when Silent Striders and others found themselves at her mercy, her sparing them earning her the nickname of "White Snake")
Key Event #6: Treachery (indeed, for the first 700 years or so of her unlife, she maintained a strong sense of fidelity to clan interests, indeed aiding and abetting Setite plans throughout Egypt and Mediterranean region, all while secretly investigating and cultivating her Lilian lore)
Key Event #7: Treachery (shift of mortal empires meant little to her, moving to Alexandria when it eclipsed Memphis, and even the growing popularity of the Jewish cult "Christianity" only proved to her that the world needed gods-in-the-flesh like Lilith)
Key Event #8: Treachery (proved her talents at hiding her true nature when even Set, remotely, challenged her loyalty, and compelled Nathifa to look closer at her childe, but Nathifa herself nursed her own plans and failed to expose Kanika's deceit)
Key Event #9: War (when the Library of Alexandria was again destroyed, she finally decided to leave the sphere of Egypt, and began traveling around the world; Sarpedon followed and cornered her, and a brief battle sent her packing with bad wounds)
Key Event #10: Awe & Wonder (as she voyaged around the globe, in addition to Sarpedon's harassment, over the next few centuries she encountered all sorts of peoples, ideas, monsters, and demons, and better formulated her own organic approach to a Path of Lilith)
Key Event #11: War (holy visions led a brigade of the fledgling Ikhwan-al-Safa to hunt her across the Near East and southern Europe; she toyed with them and evaded the power of their True Faith by drawing Sarpedon into their sights, then setting her minions against the brigade to finish them off and save Sarpedon from defeat)
Key Event #12: War (she traced their supposedly holy visions themselves back to Egypt and an Assamite provocateur, who she then ambushed and eliminated)
Key Event #13: Treachery (back in her homeland, Kanika returned to her old games, hiding among Coptic Christians as ironically an Osiris cult mistress, while beginning to truly master her dark gifts to frighteningly superlative degrees as well as dabble in Setite blood magic)
Key Event #14: War (though the Ottomans would maintain control of the region for centuries to come, she helped her clansmen drive the Assamites out of Egypt at least through a lengthy campaign of political subterfuge, temptation, and ultimately assassination)
Key Event #15: Treachery (Nathifa slept in torpor, so Kanika took this opportunity to begin cutting her old threads, including the ultimate betrayal of her clan brother Hakor, whom she led into an ambush at the Upper Nile with a pack of Silent Striders, and in his final moments she exposed only to him her true loyalties -- a true queen of monsters revealed)
Key Event #16: War (she even participated in the Anarch Revolt, urging on Jyhad between both sides throughout the Near East, primarily to foil the Assamites but also destabilize old coteries of Brujah still in North Africa)
Key Event #17: Treachery (during the Colonial Period, Kanika embraced and encouraged the antiquities trade in Egypt, as it posed opportunities to unearth more ancient lore and expose ancient sleeping vampires who could be rivals or enemies)
Key Event #18: War (Nathifa stirred and cornered her wayward childe about Hakor and her true loyalties, but Nathifa's own sire Kementiri arrived and nearly destroyed them both, and all three ancients fled the scene, Nathifa leaving Kanika alone thereafter so far to lick her wounds)
Key Event #19: War (Sarpedon caught wind of the trio of ancient Serpents and tried to take advantage of Kanika's presumed weakness, but she feigned the worst of her injuries and overpowered the Osirian in a reversal of their first battle, and finally destroyed him after exposing her true monstrous nature to him like Hakor, putting her old nemesis to bed, should Nathifa or even Kementiri prove the real enemies now that they suspected or even knew her true loyalties)
Key Event #20: War (stayed low for the next century, manipulating mortal minions remotely from her haven, until world war threatened Egypt, and the brazen stupidity and greed of the Nazis offended her so much that she made an entire platoon of engineers drink raw petroleum until they gruesomely burst; the Tzimisce Sabbat Bishop and his vohzd enforcers investigated their human pawns' deaths, only to run afoul of Kanika's ophidian supremacy)
Key Event #21: Awe & Wonder (her slaying of this so-called Dragon spurred an Auspex-derived vision wherein she was the dragon, the exotic Mao'Lung, and spent the next several decades researching and exploring these myths to affirm and validate before following such omens)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (her Auspex-driven reflections led her to realize she was some sort of dragon after all, not a snake, as her secret beliefs always anticipated)


Kanika Tauaw, childe of

Nathifa-Kebi Asenath, childe of

Kemintiri, childe of

our Sire, Set, childe of

Zillah, childe of

Caine, son of

our Mother, Lillith.


Names: Jimmy Raye; Mariel Nix
Roles: Man-Servant (ghoul); Streetwise Scout (ghoul)

Significant Others

Jade, 2012; Esperanza Garcia, 2012; Amaya Lamb, 2012; Gemma Calabrian, 2012; Alixel Xaqab'ic, 2012; Nekoko, 2012; Ric Carver, 2012

Explore the Mao’lung here.

The Mao'lung Fragments

Amaya..... Esperanza

Jade..... Alixel

Gemma..... Nekoko


Significant Others

Names:Tulliola Cicero, Shanakdakhete Meroë; 45 BC
Nature: Erotic



Shark Among Sharks

Kanika embraces the Path of Lilith wholeheartedly. It has kept her on a surprisingly even keel over all these centuries. But the Path is fundamentally flawed in one way: it assumes Lilith will look kindly upon her devotees. Kanika seeks to be a monster as the Dark Mother, but Lilith will likely prove far more powerful, and who says she will spare her devoted children?

Likelihood of Corruption

Very low.

This rating isn't due to her resistance to corruption but embrace of it: Kanika is so corrupt that she's come out the other side to be an avatar of corruption and destruction itself. She isn't some monster. She's the monster, and while there are of course more powerful monsters out there, not many. Not any that could or would corrupt her any further than she already is!


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