Tulliola Cicero

Assayer of the Inconnu
Follower of Set (Exiled)
Red-Haired Lilin of Capri
Adjunct of the Mao'lung Fragments


Height: 5'5"
Weight: 120 lb.
Ethnicity: White
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long simple red
Clothing: Gold or bronze business formal
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: Powerful. Beautiful. Brilliant. Most of what constitutes the daughter of Cicero can be summarized in those three words.
Supernatural Qualities: Her beauty and power are, in fact, incomparable: jaw-dropping and divine, intoxicating and overwhelming, and so otherworldly as to make one doubt she does or even could really exist...an Old World goddess in the flesh
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 6 (venusian); Style 5 (classic)

“Betrayal is as natural as cooperation.”


Date of Birth: August 5th, 78 BCE
Home: Arpinum, Latium, Italia, Republic of Rome
Family: Marcus Tullius Cicero and Terentia Varro (parents), Marcus Tullius Cicero Minor (younger brother); Gaius Calpurnius Piso Frugi (first husband), Furius Crassipes (second husband), Publius Cornelius Dolabella (third husband); Publius Cornelius Dolabella Minor (first son), Claudius Tullius Dolabella (second son)
Embrace: External Supernatural Trigger (Tulliola was the beloved daughter of the famous Roman orator, Cicero; she enjoyed a wealthy and happy life despite a series of unsuccessful marriages; like her mother, she had quite the head for social and political affairs, but her ambitions were blunted by her doting father's expectations; Kanika chose and approached her for her political connections to the Senate as well as personal skill; she then discovered she was pregnant, so she asked for the Embrace as soon as she gave birth, and Kanika agreed), 45 BCE
Sire: Kanika Tauaw
The Test: Trial by Influence (the Setite seduced Tulliola to the darkness; she fell in love with her sire and yearned to help in her immortal plans)
Comrades: Kanika Tauaw, Shanakdakhete Meroë, Nekoko
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (Tulliola took readily to the Path of Lillith under Kanika's direction, proving curious and apt with mysticism from her very Becoming)
Key Event #2: Awe & Wonder (she apprenticed herself loyally to her sire and developed blood magic under Kanika's guidance)
Key Event #3: Awe & Wonder (she spent lifetimes in Rome in study so secluded that she hardly had to hide her identity or origins)
Key Event #4: Treachery (with her special knowledge of Rome, she helped her sire keep up the appearance that Kanika and her progeny were "loyal Followers of Set" rather than heretical Lilians, as they aided in the undermining of the Kindred's Roman "shining city on a hill" civilization)
Key Event #5: Personal Tragedy (as the Republic devolved into the Empire, Tulliola found that nothing surprised or shocked her about Kindred or kine politics anymore)
Key Event #6: Awe & Wonder (Rome began to splinter, so she got out on her own while the getting was good; she wandered the known imperial provinces and explored the world at large finally, meeting other peoples and learning more of the occult mysteries abroad)
Key Event #7: Treachery (the collapse of Rome drove her out of Europe altogether, and she moved to North Africa with her sire and her sire's other childe, the Nubian Shanakdakhete Meroë; together, the three became a trifecta of irresistible seductive power, and they guided ancient and cosmopolitan Mediterranean culture while Europe began to sink into the Dark Ages)
Key Event #8: Personal Tragedy (so it was Islam, not Christianity, that troubled Tulliola, because the spiteful and bloodthirsty Assamites rose alongside the newer religion; trouble with the Slayers drove her back to her home, and she sheltered in the neglected ruins of Rome in her own family mausoleum, developing blood magic rituals to better guard herself)
Key Event #9: War (but the Assamite threat never abated and they especially stalked the Setites, so Tulliola turned to mastery indirect methods of self-defense, by summoning the "monsters" of the world to fight unwittingly for her, especially Lupine werewolves)
Key Event #10: Awe & Wonder (after enough such skirmises threw the Slayers off her trail, she traveled north into Europe after hearing of the boldness of the Crusades; but she actually sought out the wizards and witches that Christians whimpered about, becoming a consor friend in the chantries of Hermetics and Verbena, even if her mere presence corrupted them, like it did at Mistridge)
Key Event #11: Treachery (when the mages got into trouble, Tulliola read the writing on the wall and slipped away, having learned all the mystical lore she could from them anyway; she returned to Rome and the Vatican, corrupting the so-called "corrupters", namely Toreador and Lasombra agitators and would-be plotters)
Key Event #12: Awe & Wonder (she reestablished her own tomb again, using her immense magnetism to call vessels and people of interest to her, instead of seeking them out; she also communed magically with her sire, keeping tabs on both Kanika and Shanak, as their Blood Oaths to each other stayed strong)
Key Event #13: Treachery (as the Renaissance saw the world widen but also fragment, she left her home town again at Kanika's behest, and together joined the Inconnu, trading some of her gathered mystical secrets for the sect's protection against the Assamites with their unendingly vicious "righteous crusade")
Key Event #14: Treachery (back on her own, Tulliola ventured to London and there infiltrated the base Arcanum chapterhouse there, stealing what lore they gathered and building her own impressive accounts of the occult, trading some of it to the Inconnu ancients for new lore)
Key Event #15: Awe & Wonder (the 20th-century saw an onslaught of horrific world wars worse than ever, and she escaped Europe before the carnage claimed even she; she ended up in the US, exploring it for many years, before traveling back to Egypt during the Cold War at her sire's call, following up an unknown mystical pull)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (it turned out the Egyptian connection was a false alarm, but the pull still existed for Kanika; this "Exigency" alarmed Tulliola and Shanak alike, but she advised her sire to investigate, albeit carefully, while Shanak warned away entirely, but either way agreed to follow her wherever it led...apparently, back to America, to New Orleans)

Special Gifts

Everlasting Lantern
Appearance: A ancient hooded lantern made from cast iron, engraved with ancient Latin glyphs that were sealed in blood, filled with a wick that burns with no visible oil or fuel
Origin: Creation
Effects: 1) Forever sheds light as an ordinary lantern; the flame never goes out
Activation: none


Tulliola Cicero, childe of

Kanika Tauaw, childe of

Nathifa-Kebi Asenath, childe of

Kemintiri, childe of

our sire, Set, childe of

Zillah, childe of

Caine, son of

our Mother Lillith.

Significant Others

Names: Kanika Tauaw, Shanakdakhete Meroë; 45 BC; Nekoko, 2012
Nature: Erotic




Forgotten Words

Tulliola, as the daughter of one of the most famous Roman politicians to ever live, shares in the gifts of oration and wisdom. But words are air, and while she has immense power, she relies ultimately on the force of her reasoning and savvy.

Likelihood of Corruption

Very low.

This rating isn't due to her resistance to corruption but embrace of it: Tulliola is so corrupt that she's come out the other side to be an avatar of corruption and destruction itself. She isn't some monster. She's the monster, and while there are of course more powerful monsters out there, not many. Not any that could or would corrupt her any further than she already is!


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