Jana Drax

Clan Gangrel


Height: 5'10"
Weight: 144 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Medium simple brown
Clothing: Black clubwear
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: Classy and stylish lady
Supernatural Qualities: Odd, nape-of-the-neck bothering vibes, worsened by a few odd features: tips of her ears are a bit longer, eyes command a yellow predatory gleam, and she walks with an strange stalking gait
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 4 (slinky); Style 3; Clan Prestige 3; Eerie Presence

"Welcome to Dark Eden. You already know what is and what isn't against the rules."


Date of Birth: May 18th, 1841
Home: Lawrence, Missouri, United States
Family: Reginald and Danielle Drake (parents), Sandra (younger sister), Jericho (younger brother), Miles (younger brother)
The Embrace: External Supernatural Trigger (family immigrated from Ireland, worked as Free-Soil farmers with no real interest in politics until slavers showed up and grew violent, then the Drakes became a Jayhawker family; Jana was just a teenaged guerilla and survivor during the Bleeding Kansas conflict, and she helped her family stake out their claim even through the war; for these reasons, that obvious pluck, her sire picked her out for the Embrace to help in the more dangerous western territories), 1866
Sire: Clyde Bless
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (she was plucked from her family before any suitors ever showed up to their doorstep; her sire kept the instruction brief and sketchy but she learned enough)
Comrades: Ray Merripen
Key Event #1: War (she helped her sire and clan fight the Sabbat nomads they encountered for the first few decades of her unlife, she never had a real heart for the hunt and killing; that may be why she blamed herself for Clyde's untimely death in battle against the Sabbat butchers)
Key Event #2: Awe & Wonder (she fled that archon-like life and settled in Kansas City, building up her own club, Dark Eden, open to all Camarilla Kindred, and sanctuary from their foes)
Key Event #3: Awe & Wonder (Jana earned Elysium status for her nightclub through tacit and honest diplomacy and peace-brokering)
Transition: Shift in Nature (as her success bred envy and stalkers and the usual obsessed freaks, Jana considered improving her security beyond the usual, and brought in Ray Merripen to that end)

Significant Other

Name: Ray Merripen, 2003
Nature: Companionship


Beast's Heart

Jana comes off as cold-hearted, a real winter queen. In truth, she's got the conscience and heart of a predator, which renders her more amoral than evil. She can be cruel but doesn't go out of her way to inflict harm. (Besides, that's what Ray's for.)

Likelihood of Corruption


She's Kindred but she doesn't do wicked stuff and she does have a moral center past the vampiric appetite.


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