Carmen Plamens

Clan Ravnos
Chiavala Armaya


Height: 5'10"
Weight: 140 lb.
Ethnicity: White
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long simple blonde
Clothing: Black clubwear
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: Sinfully sexy yet irresistably cool and charming, Carmen comes across as a lady out of time, a throwback to film noire dames who, with a wink, bring men to their knees, though her attire is every bit contemporaneously revealing, both by what is exposed and what clings to every inch of the statuesque blonde's flawless figure
Supernatural Qualities: Few could tell by her bourgeois appearance, but Carmen has a fair reputation within her notorious and often-despised clan, the Ravnos
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (erotic); Style 5 (retro); Clan Prestige 3

"Do you see something you like or something you want?"


Date of Birth: August 28th, 1863
Home: Brest (thereabouts), Brittany, France
Family: Pias and Floure Plamens (parents), Leondra (older sister)
Embrace: External Supernatural Trigger (a Roma girl living in north/northwestern France, her familia stayed ahead of the deeply racist authorities by constant nomadic travel; this made it difficult to secure decent work, and the whole extended kumpania sometimes resorted to petty theft and scams, which only worsened the cycle; for her part, Carmen grew skilled at the scam, using her young looks to lead men astray so their purses could be pilfered by hook or crook; the familia had long been associated with the Ravnos vampires, blood relations in fact; thus, being chosen for the Embrace by one of the clan was not unexpected), 1888
Sire: Wen Pinfold
The Test: Trial by Wit (truthfully, little changed in Carmen's life after Wen Embraced her, only her nocturnal schedule; however, she did take to the ideals of Paradox that Wen imparted readily, as it filled a void of lackadaiscal observation of faith that the familia practiced)
Comrades: Bavol Garridan, Ian Mircea, Ruza Colina, Paul Plamens, Zyah Nirah, Vadoma Raglass
Key Event #1: Treachery (not only did Carmen accept the Path of Paradox, she internalized her own direction with it, worrying less about stray draba and trinkets, and more about the essential sexual energy that too many people kept bottled up)
Key Event #2: War (for the most part, her life as Ravnos proved peaceful, but when the Nantes police arrested and brutalized her mortal cousin Monisha for a minor crime, by shaving her head and branding her, she took a bloody revenge on that department)
Key Event #3: Awe & Wonder (with her added as Kindred to the kumpania now, they widened their circuit to not just more of France, but all of Europe)
Key Event #4: Personal Tragedy (her kumpania made a wide circuit back around and were passing through Spain post-civil war when Nazism and World War II broke out; from Lisbon, she and the others caught a boat across the Atlantic and got off in the Dominican Republic)
Key Event #5: Treachery (from there, many of the kumpania went their separate ways; Carmen island-hopped into Florida and stayed in Tampa for a few decades, plying her trade in the party scene there)
Transition: Reassignment (as right-wing evangelicals took over Florida, people "like her" became less and less tolerated; Carmen heard that some of her old kumpania had landed in the Big Apple, so she traveled up north to New York City to settle into a new, reconstituted group of Ravnos and their Roma allies; she met her great-grandnephew Paul among them, too)

Significant Other

Name: Paul Plamens, 2010
Nature: Companionship


Release the Kraken, Baby

[Metaphors for wanton and seemingly meaningless sex.]

Likelihood of Corruption


While Carmen is dedicated to her bizarre Path of Enlightenment, there is no way to go about it that isn't completely mad, and it will catch up to her eventually.


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