Winston Simons

Assamite antitribu
Captain of the Black Sword


~Black and proud, Winston appears to be in his mid-twenties. The well-built and fluid man strides through his environment wearing sharp black slacks, unnoteworthy but polished black work shoes, and an ebony tank top. The shirt bears his well-developed musculature and unblemished chocolate skin. Predator-brand sunglasses conceal the blaze of Winston's ardent brown eyes. Something cruel defines this man. What viciousness will the insatiable man inflict? What will it take to perfect the imperfect and lend way to the path of right?~

OOC: Appearance 2

"Uh-huh. And do you really think any of that shit will still be important after I've split your throat open like a holiday ham?"



Inner city ghettos could produce a lot of different kinds of people. But regardless of the kind of man Winston thought he would become, life was hard. His family was poor, his friends were pretty much convicts in the making, and school sucked. But Winston decided he wasn't going to fall into the same trap. He kept his nose clean in his youth and struggled through high school. He wasn't stupid -- high scores on the ASVAB test proved that. He just wasn't an academic. Always very physical, involved in school athletics, Winston was a go-getter and trooper from the beginning. After high school graduation, Winston hoped to go to college for his football. But he didn't achieve any scholarships, and he surely couldn't afford college.

So Winston joined the Army for their tuition program. But he fell in love with it almost instantly. Due to his ASVAB scores and his recruiter's recommendations, Winston signed up for Delta Force. After basic training, he moved onto all the advanced training that special forces unit demanded. Eventually, Winston graduated this program and was at standing combat readiness. And the young man admitted that he couldn't wait for a taste of action. When "9/11" happened, Winston saw his opportunity on the horizon. Soon military forces were mobilized and his unit was one of the first deployed in Afghanistan. And he saw plenty of action. In the mountains, plains, and caves, Winston stalked the Taliban enemy with rifle and explosive and elite training. He translated fear into courage as all his comrades did.

And the more time Winston spent in country, the more he came to view just how hypocritical the "unity of religion and state" was. Islam came to sicken him, as he saw it applied in daily life by men and even women trying to kill people just because they didn't worship Allah and pray three times a day and all that religious bullshit. It began to filter into his daily activities and combat. Unmerited cruelty and savagery began to mark Winston's combat reactions. For example, he gunned down a half-dozen Taliban soldiers after they surrendered. He threw grenades into caverns of "suspected militants" (although intelligence suggested they were unarmed women and children). So Winston was soon arrested and brought up on charges. Fortunately, none of his comrades were willing to testify. No one wanted to be a whistle blower (and everyone involved wanted to avoid a PR crisis like the problems that later affected the Iraq occupation). With the evidence at hand, Winston could not be charged with too much. He was dishonorably discharged from service and docked a year's pay.

After this dishonor, Winston returned to the USA. Spite and anger seethed under the surface as all his hopes had been shot down just because he was a little zealous with pursuing victory. It's not his fault those people weren't even real people -- kill 'em all. Stupid Geneva Convention bullshit -- it was assinine stuff like that that permitted America's enemies to thrive and mount counter-attacks and massacre more civilians. But whatever. It wasn't his concern anymore. So he ended up in New York City. He found a cheap apartment back in the ghetto, in Queens. He worked out in the city, making acquaintances and connections in the underworld. With his military training, he scored jobs as a mercenary security specialist for various shady figures. He made pretty good money, but he knew how dangerous this career could be.


Then out of nowhere, one night when he was going home in 2002, he was ambushed, incapacitated, and kidnapped. An Arab vampire sank his teeth into Winston's neck, draining him of blood and replacing it with his own supernatural fluids. Then Winston was buried in some backyard Queens cemetery. Overcome with hunger for more blood and madness, the new and changed vampire dug his way out of the ground. As he pounced on an unconscious woman and satisfied his thirst, his sire introduced himself as Zahid Al-Alim. Zahid explained briefly what Winston now was, and how he would be trained and honed into a perfect predator and killer. The Sabbat needed a useful soldier like Winston more than the crime syndicates did. Charged with potent blood, a hunger for more, and a craving for the undead power he felt coursing through his flesh, Winston readily adapted to this


For the first few months, all went well. Winston obeyed Zahid's instructions. He trained hard under his Assamite sire's guidance. But Zahid found he needed to teach the ex-Delta Force corporal very little. Indeed, Winston only needed guidance in how to develop his new esoteric powers, such as his ancient bloodline's unique Discipline. Winston also met others of the Sabbat sect. He considered his place in the Sabbat as right and correct, and saw himself once more as a protector of freedoms. Only this time, he was protecting the freedom of his new race, vampires. The Camarilla were political tyrants hiding behind their own petty fears. Infernalists were idiots, sell-outs to demons and such. They all had to die. But one thing Winston did not reconcile was his own clan's pseudo-religious take on customs and rituals. No way would Winston partake of the rituals reminscient of Arabic (and thus, Islamic) customs. Winston was openly spiteful of the clan's ancient beliefs and rituals, finding their worship of Caine to be ridiculous. It was all about the power of the blood. The father figure was too Islamic-seeming to his mind.

Although insulted, Zahid was a very honorable vampire. Winston was passing his tests after a few months better than most mustajib. Of course, Winston had previous training. Zahid did not feel compelled to destroy the whelp just because he didn't believe in following the same customs. As long as Winston upheld the expected ritae of the Sabbat, what did it matter if he paid homage to Caine in one form of worship or another? For two long years, Winston and Zahid put up with each other. Winston learned all he could from Zahid, and was tested in battle against Camarilla and Anarch vampires. Winston's combat skills proved to be his greatest asset for survival, and he was recognized as True Sabbat.

But Zahid lost his patience with Winston's attitude at last. Instead of striking out and killing his childe, Zahid dismissed him from training. Winston would not be recognized in his own clan as fadais until he learned respect for the clan's customs (even if he refused to follow them). Winston shrugged. The Sabbat recognized him as a full vampire. He didn't care if his Muslim fanatic-wannabe clan didn't. Though Zahid was close to destroying Winston, the older Assamite instead levied a vocalized curse that through Thaumaturgy or perhaps just faith, became truth. Never would Winston find a friend in his own clan until he rectified his behavior. Winston was banished from the city by his sire, promising his clan's wrath if he dared to stay.

New City

So Winston left. He began to city hop, moving from Sabbat-controlled metropolis to metropolis. Westward he traveled, eventually arriving to the area of his birth: Kansas City. Winston investigated the Sabbat's situation there. The Camarilla controlled the place. While the sect could use a soldier like him, there were already a strong number of Black Hand operatives in that city. And as always, most of them were Assamite. Winston knew even abroad his own clan would despise him -- as much as he despised their core beliefs. So he avoided the main city. Instead, he found his way to Centropolis, a smaller city nearby in Missouri. There he discovered a stronger Sabbat presence with few Assamites indeed. Winston gladly offered his services to that diocese, and prepared to marshal his formidable skills against the sect's many enemies.

Pack (Black Sword)

Winston leads the pack, the Black Sword, as Captain. This pack specializes in combat, hunting, tactics, and all-out Jyhad. It was Winston's distaste of religion that made him design the pack in a secular fashion. Ramona Fé acts as pack Counselor. Ralph Nolan is just rank-and-file in the pack. Together they train and stalk their enemies, to the end of the earth if need be. Ignoblis ritae include rites like "Brother of the Blade", "Onyx Steel", "Separation of Church & State", "Sunrise Service", and of course Vaulderie.

Significant Other

Their encounter began vicious and competitive and ended up lusty and erotic. And actually, it's still vicious and competitive. But these two Cainites are also interested in propelling each other further, together. They know it's best to have one reliable shoulder to lean on in the Sabbat (even if you don't admit you're leaning). Being alone in that sect with nothing but Vinculum holding you to the other vampires is not a pleasant thought… And to further their ends, the pair acts like they hate each other's guts in public. In private…


Mindless Monster

Like the vast majority of Sabbat vampires, Winston is a cruel and arrogant monster. While his skills and powers make him a formidable creature, there are beings beyond his fanatical sect that defy the limits that the greatest undead can know -- and without becoming heartless savages to acquire that power. This is a reality Winston will probably never learn...and it will invariably destroy him (and his brethren).

Likelihood of Corruption

Very high.

Winston would never join the forces of Infernalism. And he doesn't have to do that to fall into a state of complete corruption. As Sabbat, he invites the wicked and bestial urges of the vampire. He may delude himself into thinking he's a pure predator, but in actuality he's just a sadistic monster who's out of control.


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