Vampire: The Masquerade
(Clans: Brujah)

Game: This field refers to which organized online roleplaying game group the character belongs.
Elemental Souls: The link at the bottom refers to the nature of Elemental Souls as far as hsien magics are concerned. Note that only characters belonging to the CoLA (Coalition of Little Asia) game, along with related Fringe Troupe characters, will be described in this fashion.
Alignment: This is seen here for the simple fun of it. Consider it a big ol' "hell yeah" to the roleplaying game that spawned me, heh. It has no effect on my White Wolf characters' game systems or roleplay.
Birthday: The approximate date that the character was first played.
Status: On each character's statistics page, there is a field listed as "status". This means that the character is a PC, Semi-NPC, or NPC. A PC acquires XP and is played with the full intent to develop him or her as much as possible. A Semi-NPC still acquires XP but statistical development becomes much less of a concern compared to greater character development; Semi-NPCs will therefore not be employed in as many Storylines. NPCs no longer acquire XP and their stats are all but frozen; they do not participate in Storylines at all except as required by the Storyteller.
Power Level: I classify my characters with ten “power levels”. Refer to this link (Power Levels) for definitions of each rating. A "?" means the character isn't completed yet.


Game Interest: Eh. Trite and played out. I play my vampires sparingly. When I do, I make sure I play them better than the players who made me start to hate this game in the first place.
Game rating: 1 (1 least favorite, 10 most favorite)


Agate McGuire

This Iconoclast has always understood what it takes to survive on the street.
Sect: Anarchs
Game: SJG
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Alya Remov

This politburo academic fled the USSR when the Curtain fell, narrowly avoiding the talons of the Witch, and hiding abroad in a small American city.
Sect: Camarilla
Game: CbN
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ****
Birthday: 1/22

Anu Liikanen

Brujah Individualists like her embrace the essence of anarchy through punk rock song-writing.
Sect: Anarchs
Game: UZM
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Creede Pendergast

This Iconoclast specializes in rousing the rabble to agitate for true liberty.
Sect: Anarchs
Game: FICT
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Erishti Aya

This ancient Brujah considers herself an Individualist after millennia of mastering Assyrian battle tactics and testing them against modern methods.
Sect: Inconnu
Game: MC-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Estrella Tyson

Though this Anarch acts like she can't be pressed, when push comes to shove, she knows who the enemy is.
Sect: Anarchs
Game: FICT
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Harvey Reiser

This Brujah never asked for the Embrace, so he’s turned its advantages into a death-defying series of daredevil stunts.
Sect: Anarchs
Game: EoS
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Hector Razales

This Iconoclast runs on the streets with the hunger to run the streets.
Sect: Anarchs
Game: CbN
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: **
Birthday: 9/05

Howard Sage

With strong-armed tactics and a little bit of cheating, this Brujah has carved out his own niche of wealth and influence from his casino.
Sect: Camarilla
Game: VBD
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Janna Nikitovna Ivchenko

Once an agent of the Russian Brujah Council, this Idealist fled the Baba Yaga and mourns the end of New Carthage.
Sect: Anarchs
Game: PdO
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Jerome "JC" Cant

With fear of force, this Brujah thug helps keep the clan in line.
Sect: Camarilla
Game: BLA
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Power Level: ****
Birthday: 6/10

Jessika Reiner

A former Black Panther, Jessika still fights the power with all the might her Brujah blood can afford.
Sect: Anarchs
Game: SJG
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ***
Birthday: 1/22

Marnie Finn

This Brujah has never minded hosting her neck of the underground for Raves and clan parties.
Sect: Anarchs
Game: FICT
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Matilda “Mattie” Maria Antonia de Callosa

The Brujah Primogen of San Francisco is of Spanish noble birth, but embraces the Idealism of social change and improvement through philosophical discourse in elders' salons.
Sect: Camarilla
Game: EoS
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ***** **
Birthday: 8/20

Raila Klemetti

This Brujah Idealist comes down on the lore side of the clan, specializing in knowledge of the frightening Baba Yaga.
Sect: Camarilla
Game: UZM
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Reece Quinn

Fiercely independent, the young Brujah Individualist studies life and gains knowledge, all the while avoiding the Great Jyhad as much as he can.
Sect: Autarkis
Game: SJG
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ****
Birthday: 8/03

Rutger Aurelius

Old guard Brujah, this Idealist studies and proposes philosophies while keeping Elysium safe from enemies.
Sect: Camarilla
Game: KC-DEM
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ***** *
Birthday: 6/10

Shaniqa Mills

As old school RNA activist, the Iconoclast embraces the revolution ongoing still.
Sect: Anarchs
Game: BLA
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Wilhemina "Billy" Addams

As an independent delegate for a prestigious Brujah scholar at Oxford, Billy walks a fine line between her clan's ideological divisions.
Sect: Camarilla
Game: SJG
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: ***
Birthday: 8/20

Yayota Bail

This ancient Methuselah is one of the few willing to Monitor a Sabbat stronghold in Mexico.
Sect: Inconnu
Game: PM-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Brujah antitribu

Delanna Ruck

While mass-Embracing is fine in a pinch, this Brujah antitribu seeks the best of the best for the sect.
Sect: Sabbat
Game: FICT
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Divina Marta Cueva-Canales

She and her American friend were minding their own business, having a good time, when the Sabbat came along and needed fresh bodies for the Jyhad.
Sect: Sabbat
Game: ACN
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Galya Anishina

Though antitribu, she embraces an Old World legacy of Brujah weapon-forging.
Sect: Sabbat
Game: FICT
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Kacey Hardwick

This Brujah swordswoman puts her physical assets to excellent use in the battle-hardened Sabbat.
Sect: Sabbat
Game: FICT
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Marisa Franken

This young Brujah antitribu tries so desperately hard to be part of the non-conformist gang.
Sect: Sabbat
Game: SJG
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Megan Mathis

She and her Mexican friend were minding their own business, having a good time, when the Sabbat came along and needed fresh bodies for the Jyhad.
Sect: Sabbat
Game: ACN
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Noland Barrett

Like the Brujah of old, this Rabble-rouser pursues secrets of Noddism and disgorges the dooms of the day.
Sect: Sabbat
Game: SJG
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Rhonnda Whyte

Among nomadic Sabbat, this Brujah antitribu excels, roving on dark back roads and endless highways.
Sect: Sabbat
Game: SJG
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Todd Tinney

Jump into the fray! Make the Dark Father proud! Sink your fangs into an elder’s neck! Be the coolest vampster around! Join the Sabbat today, or this Brujah might make you join.
Sect: Sabbat
Game: SJG
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Tuva Ceder

She embraces the Beast like all Sabbat do, becoming a berserker of the Brujah antitribu without parallel.
Sect: Sabbat
Game: UZM
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

True Brujah

Helena Beltran

A True Brujah, her scholastic pursuit specializes in understanding and unraveling the splinter-bloodline that the traitorous Troile began.
Sect: Black Hand
Game: DZ-DEM
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Ishtar Zirrat

On a sacred mission for the Inconnu, this True Brujah ancient gathers vitae samples of all Cainites she encounters.
Sect: Inconnu
Game: KC-DEM
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ***** ****
Birthday: 6/20

Nicholas Alister

As a Monitor for the Inconnu, this True Brujah spends most of his precious time in scholarly pursuits.
Sect: Inconnu
Game: KC-DEM
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Power Level: ***** **
Birthday: 6/10

Octavia Olennius

An ancient True Brujah, she employs her mastery of Temporis to serve as a reclusive oracle for any Kindred brave enough to seek her out.
Sect: Inconnu
Game: OF-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Thaddeus Wanders

Neutral and detached, this True Brujah must chronicle the age of the Kindred to its inevitable conclusion.
Sect: Inconnu
Game: KC-DEM
Alignment: True Neutral
Power Level: ?
Birthday: ?/23

Vampire Profiles: Page II (More Clans: Gangrel, Lasombra, Malkavians)

Elemental Souls